Asalamu3lykom Hujjaj!

Welcome to 2BeePositive! This site is for future Hujjaj by Hujjaj. The objective is to try to better the experience for others by sharing what we have learned. Please use the comment section below to introduce yourself, state the package you obtained, and a sentence or two on your positive outlook of your Hajj Journey.

One thought to “Asalamu3lykom Hujjaj!”

  1. Asalamualaikum. Thanks Beeman for creating this blog. This was my first hajj, which I undertook without my spouse and any family members. My Al Rajhi Hospitality package for about $11200 included and mostly delivered the following:

    -Direct flights from Washington DC (IAD) to Jeddah
    -14 nights in Makkah only
    -Holiday Inn hotel (called Makkah Al Aziziah on google maps) shared with 4 roommates
    -Camp C at Mina
    -Meals provided at the hotel and all camps
    -Group guide
    -Qurbani and Saudi sim card included (optional additional charge)

    I say mostly because the actual number of nights was 13 (our flight was at night and so we arrived the day following our departure). We arrived late to Muzdalifah where it was chaotic and we met nobody providing boxed dinners and sleeping mats but managed to find open carpeted spots. I came to find out our guide didn’t arrive until later and I only saw him twice in passing at the hotel and at Mina and so for all intents and purposes, my roommates, I, and many others performed hajj without any guide for reasons unknown to us. Thankfully, there were some helpful WhatsApp support groups created by the organizers. There were also some scholars who provided English seminars at the hotel. One in particular was accessible at Mina and Arafat and answered some questions we had Alhumdulillah.

    Overall looking back, this hajj was undoubtedly the most challenging and rewarding trip of my life Alhumdulillah. My roommates and I instantly bonded and supported each other, which was immensely helpful as we collectively navigated challenges and the journey without any guides. Hajj is an immense logistical undertaking for everyone involved, not just the hajjis, and so there are many lessons and reflections I’m pondering. Mainly these come to mind:

    -Remembering to be very grateful for all of our blessings and remembering those less fortunate
    -Making dua for, being kind to, and possibly helping everyone who supported us during the journey: scholar and imams providing seminars and books beforehand, package organizers, hotel and camp staff, policemen, even local children handing out water bottles!
    -Being very patient, cooperative, objective, and having tawakkul everything will be OK while I do my due diligence navigating anything
    -Appreciating the brotherhood and sisterhood of Islam that brought strangers together in unison from across the world. The random conversations I had getting to know people were awesome!

    One of many beautiful moments was on the last day, following fajr, I decided to walk back to my hotel in Aziziyah from my Mina camp while the weather was nice. I was surprised to witness what seemed to be the entire Nigerian camp leaving south Mina with their belongings. Turned out they were walking to the jamarat and then haram for salatul Jumu’ah, around 13-15km/8-9mile walk subhanaAllah!

    Finally, I received several comprehensive surveys from Nusuk and a package provider in which I provided as much constructive feedback I could think of. May Allah reward all organizers and guide them to continue learning and improving the experience overall for hajjis using the new Nusuk system.

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